Life's Answers is about......, you guessed it, it's about getting answers to life's most elusive questions. And more importantly it's about understanding those answers. To understand life's answers, to understand our reason for being we are probably going to have to modify or change the way we think and perceive things; and perhaps then we will see with new eyes, a new reality, God Reality. The psychologist Carl Jung was fascinated by the I Ching and used it with his own patients. He proposed that "synchronicity" was how the I Ching was able to be used as an oracle to answer questions. Read on to learn how you can use the I Ching or Book of Changes to be your source for success and life's answers!
God wants us to live life to the fullest, to open ourselves to divine inspiration so that we can expand our conscious awareness and find life solutions outside of the box so to speak, to transform our limited thinking to unlimited thinking, so that we may discover the answers and the solutions to our personal and world problems.
Of course, first we have to be willing to critically look at ourselves to see and acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses, to wake up and be aware of the reality we are in and the direction we are headed individually and collectively. (to learn more about yourself)
The I Ching (pronounced ee jing) is an amazing tool that can help you find your reason for being and live your life to the fullest.
Many consider the I Ching to be the oldest book in the world, its origins are unknown but it is believed to be over 6,000 years old. The I Ching is a spiritual work and is compatible with the principles of all religions, it can be used as a guide for your professional and spiritual development, as well as an oracle to answer your personal questions.
Carl Jung the founder of analytical psychology states that the I Ching or book of changes is not easily understood. He says to understand the I Ching one must come from a perspective outside of academic knowledge. Jung himself for more than 30 years was interested in the oracle technique or the method of exploring the unconscious, which he says is of uncommon significance.
Carl Jung states that the I Ching or book of changes is not easily understood. He says to understand the I Ching one must come from a perspective outside of academic knowledge.
It is now understood that the I Ching also addresses the subconscious as well as the unconscious. What the I Ching does is establish a mode of conversation between the conscious mind and its mental constructs; with the subconscious mind with its desires and emotional reactions; and with the unconscious mind with its physical existence and its hormonal and biological reactions to that existence. The I Ching contacts the spiritual potential of these three levels of existence and self-awareness, and lines them up and in that alignment creates a channel, and eye in which the light of the higher reality can thread itself through. Carl Jung intuitively new this and as the great champion that he was understood that he did not have to prove it empirically. For the proof is in the pudding as they say. In other words, spiritual reality cannot be confined to the human understanding, anymore then a body bathing in the Sun can absorb the entire Sun. The human mind can bask in the unlimited Universal intelligence, benefit from it in untold ways but never can it contain it for that is for a mind yet to come a mind that is no longer human but divine.
Jung talks about how in the west natural laws are merely statistical truths that don’t allow for exceptions. Jung says that the Western Scientific mind studies natural law in the laboratory which has restrictions. He goes on to say that if we leave things to Nature, we get a very different outcome, as every process is partially or totally interfered with by chance, to the point that under natural circumstances a course of events absolutely conforming to specific laws is almost an exception.
I think what he is saying here is that science tends to want to, or try to put all phenomena, all things into a specific box so it can be labeled and tagged, reducing everything to a mathematical certainty. Whereas in reality when we leave things to Nature, we see a very different picture where chance and natural circumstances create so many variables that the results cannot possibly always conform to specific laws created in the laboratory.
Natural law cannot be reduced to a mathematical certainty by the Western mind because of its shear complexity, and as such cannot be accurately evaluated in the scientific lab by the scientific method. Maybe it is time for the Western mind to look ahead, to be broadened by looking back to the earlier Chinese Dynasties that before communism, was the most advanced civilization and culture on the planet. Maybe by doing this we will find some answers, some solutions to the current world turmoil and tyrannical problems that we are being plagued with.
Jung stated that "The Chinese mind as I see it at work in the I Ching seems to be exclusively preoccupied with the chance aspect of events. What we call coincidence seems to be the chief concern of this peculiar mind, and what we worship as causality passes almost unnoticed. We must admit that there is something to be said for the immense importance of chance. An incalculable amount of human effort is directed to combating and restricting the nuisance or danger represented by chance. Theoretical considerations of cause and effect often look pale and dusty in comparison to the practical results of chance. It is all very well to say that the crystal of quartz is a hexagonal prism. The statement is quite true in so far as an ideal crystal is envisaged. But in nature one finds no two crystals exactly alike although all are unmistakably hexagonal."
It seems that the ancient Chinese mind and the I Ching tends to look at the world from more of a Quantum perspective, more of a holistic and spiritual view than the typical Western mind.
Jung goes on to say that "While the Western mind carefully sifts, weighs, selects, classifies, isolates, the Chinese picture of the moment encompasses everything down to the minutest nonsensical detail, because all of the ingredients make up the observed moment."
Jung explains the Divination aspect of the I Ching "Thus it happens that when one throws the three coins, or counts through the 49 yarrow stalks, these chance details enter into the picture of the moment of observation and form a part of it - a part that is insignificant to us, yet most meaningful to the Chinese mind." It is as if the Ancient Chinese were aware of the modern Quantum Observer Effect (that observing a situation or phenomenon necessarily changes it).
The I Ching and Carl Jung
My methods
Humanistic therapy
In humanistic therapy, the main focus is on a person's capacity to make rational choices and develop.
Cognitive therapy
In cognitive therapy, the focus is on what people think rather than what they do.
In psychoanalysis, we focus on changing problematic behaviors by understanding the unconscious meanings and motivations behind them.
Behavior therapy
In behavior therapy, the main focus is on learning's role in developing both normal and abnormal behaviors.
Individual therapy

Individual psychotherapy helps you to learn about yourself. We work through behavioral, communicational, thought and relational patterns.
$ 30 per hour

Group therapy helps individuals work through issues by interacting with a therapist and a group of people struggling with similar things.
$ 20 per hour
Couples counseling

Relationship therapy helps people to communicate their feelings and needs to each other without fear of being criticized or attacked.
$ 40 per hour
Happy clients
Doloress K.
Therapy has really helped me overcome some past trauma I had been keeping under a lid for a long time. Now, I feel happier and more confident in my life, and feel like I can walk with my head held high.
Anthony M.
Coming from a competitive sports background, the injury that ended up making me give up my career was a hard blow. With therapy, I was able to start building my identity around other things than just sport.
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